Miriam Ansley
Intuitive Design Coach
The more I learn about life, the more I am certain that there is a thread that weaves together this life and every past life your Soul has ever lived.
If you are ready to discover your Conscious Design, to understand why you are here, your purpose, and how to live this life to it's fullest expression, then you are in the right place......

Hi, I’m Miriam Ansley
I once heard that most people have a turning point in their life, that moment when they decide to change. I remember the day I decided my life had to change. I was holding my oldest daughter and I made a promise to her, and my Soul, that I would change. That was 36 years ago and though it was a long winding road with lots of detours, I did exactly what I promised I would do.
Why is this important? Because I may not have been exactly where you are today but I know how it feels to
feel stuck in life,
to be afraid that my life won't change,
to want something so desperately and not be able to make it happen,
to look like I should be happy, but feel empty inside,
and I know what it feels like to have that nagging thought that I am never quite good enough.
So, my about me is really that I probably am a lot like you. You see, you were guided here by your Soul. Whether you are here to pick up one seed or to join me for a full transformation, I am truly glad you are here!
Why me? Well other than my life experience, I am a life coach, Quantum Human Design Expert, Akashic Record Guide, and practice Beyond Quantum Healing. I love helping you discover why you are here, what you need to work though, and how to use all these tools to become the Conscious Creator you are here to become.
So, if you are tired of repeating the same patterns over and over and you are ready to begin creating the life you desire, then hit the Get In Touch button and let's start your journey!
Miriam is amazing at Inner Child work. She makes you feel so safe, so loved, and so protected. I have transformed the way I think about my own worthiness and am starting to believe that what I want not only matters, but I can have it too.
I was ready to quit coaching completely. In on session with Miriam, I completely changed the way I thought. I realized that my Inner Child was afraid and that I could create the safety she needed to continue building my business. Now, my coaching business is soaring. I am forever grateful for that call.
If you have not done a regression, do it. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and my life is forever changed....in a good way!
You are already a natural creator, it's time to learn how to create the abundance you want in your life.
Miriam Ansley Human Design Specialist and Intuitive Life Coach
Ready to start living your design, connect to your intuition, and Manifest a Life of Abundance?
Wilmington NC